Pattern expressions (or just patterns) of Refal differ from object expressions in that they may include free variables. Here are a few examples of free variables:
e.1 e.Data1 e.data1 s.X s.Free-var t.1 t.25
A free variable is formed by a type sign, a dot, and an index. The index of a variable is an identifier or a whole number. There are three type signs. They are represented by the lower-case letters s , t , and e ; the corresponding variables are referred to as s-, t-, and e-variables. The difference between them is in the sets of their admissible values. An s-variable can take only a single symbol as its value. A t-variable takes any term as its value (recall that a term is either a symbol or an expression in structure brackets). An e-variable can take any expression as its value.
A pattern expression can be viewed as a set of object expressions which are obtained by substituting admissible values for all variables. Thus the pattern A e.1represents the set of all object expressions starting with the symbol A . All entries of the same variable must be replaced by the same value. The pattern s.1 e.2 s.1 can be seen as the set of all object expressions which start and end with the same symbol and have at least two symbols.
But pattern expressions also have another function: they describe a decomposition of an object expression, during which the variables in the pattern are identified with some parts of the object expression, i.e., take certain values. Viewed in this way, A e.1 is a procedure which checks that the first symbol of a given object expression is A , and assigns the remaining part of it to e.1 as its value. This procedure is known as pattern matching.
Given an object expression
and a pattern expression
, we denote the
operation of matching
where the colon is one more
special sign of Refal; the matching sign. We also say that
is being
recognized as (a particular case of)
In the pair
we call
the argument and
the pattern
of the matching operation.
If there exists a
for the variables in
such that applying
, then we say that the matching, or recognition, is successful.
The variables in
take on the values prescribed by
. Otherwise,
the matching fails. If there is more than one way of assigning values
to the free variables in the pattern in order to achieve matching, then the one is
chosen in which the leftmost e-variable takes the shortest value. If this
does not resolve the ambiguity, the same selection is done on the next
(from the left) e-variable, etc. In other words, when we perform matching,
we scan the argument
from left to right and pick the first
successful match of
Here are a few examples. The matching
A B C : A e.1succeeds with e.1 taking the value B C . The matching
('ABC') '++' : s.X e.1fails, because the left parenthesis is not a symbol, so it cannot be matched to s.X . Neither can it be ignored. However,
('ABC') '++' : (s.X e.1) e.Outsucceeds, with s.X becoming 'A', e.1 becoming 'BC', and e.Out becoming '++'.
The recognition of '++' as s.1 e.2 s.1 succeeds — with s.1 taking the value '+' and e.2 the empty expression. But
'+' : s.1 e.2 s.1fails.
The following matching:
A B '+' C '+' D E F : e.1 '+' e.2is an example of a situation where there is more than one way to assign values for matching. According to the definition above, the symbol '+' in the pattern will be identified with the first symbol '+' in the argument (the left-to-right matching). Thus e.1 will take A B as its value and e.2 will become C '+' D E F.
In the following example:
A B '-' (C '+' D E F) : e.1 '+' e.2the matching will fail because the only symbol '+' of the argument is inside parentheses. To match it to the '+' in the pattern, we would have to assign to e.1 and e.2 some values that were unbalanced with respect to parentheses, and this is impossible. Refal takes structure brackets very seriously. Parts of expressions that are not expressions themselves cannot be treated separately in any context.
(a) 'abbab' : e.1 t.X t.X e.2 (b) 'ab(b)ab' : e.1 t.X t.X e.2 (c) A(B) C D (A (B)) : e.6 e.4(e.6) (d) '16 0' : 16 e.Z